Entry 11
By: IrishSEAL13

Name: John Toro
Alias: Toro the Bull, John Matthews Brookes, J.J. Toro, The Creep

John Toro was a member of the Special Forces and then after serving in the regular army, he joined a Black OPs group where he worked under the command of a one Capt. Frank Castle. John was not one to see eye to eye on commands and would act on his own, This happened one too many times resulting in the death of team mates.

John was kicked out of the military after serving time in prison for the murder of two secret service men and an attempt on the president's life, he escaped and has not been able to be located or heard of for years.

Recently he has started a group of guns for hire that work to benefit themselves. They are a mercenary group that call themselves the The Hive.

They are known to have a headquarters in Vietnam somewhere near the Cambodia border.