Entry 21
By: Lt. Smirl

Name: Dwayne Jones

Dwayne Jones was born in a small town in Australia. He moved with his family to the United States when he was five. After graduating high school, he joined the United States Marines. He soon found himself plunged into the Vietnam War, where he found he was an excellent shot with a scoped rifle. Eventually he went AWOL after recieving a letter informing him that his parents had been killed by mobsters.

The AK-47 he carries was stolen from an Viet Cong soldier he ran into on his trek out of Vietnam. Ater some three months of wandering through Asia, he came across a city in Malaysia.There, he was able to find food and rest. Soon after this, a crime lord from Brazil (who had found refuge from the Brazillian police in Malaysia) confronted him. The crime lord was able to persuade Dwayne into working for him with a payment of eight hundred American dollars per week. Thus, his life as a mercenary began. By the time he was in his late thirties, he had worked for seven different employers and gained a profit of over thirty thousand dollars. Today, his whereabouts are unknown, but he is most likely still doing the dirty work for some crime lord.