Entry 4
By: Firefox

Name : Silas Lafeyette

Age : 41 (1984)
D.O.B. : March 21, 1943
Place : Trenton, NJ.

Born as a citizen of the United States in Trenton, NJ, Silas grew up hearing tales from his French immigrant parents of America's liberation of France during World War II. Wanting to give back to the country that provided so much for his family, Silas enlisted in the Navy in 1961. His natural physical abilities, and extremely focused mentality were noticed early on in basic training. When approached with the offer of UDT training, Silas found an outlet that would challenge his already sharpening talents.

Becoming a member of the newly formed US Navy SEALS in 1963 was a natural progression. Silas served in Vietnam from 1964 to 1966. First as an adviser to South Vietnamese forces, and later as team leader for a 5 man infiltration and recon team. On Feb. 14, 1966 Silas lead his team on a supposed recon mission. His instructions were to avoid all contact, and report on possible NVA divisional activity around the Noir Massif region of the Quang Tri province. The mission was a joint venture of US and South Vietnamese command and intelligence. In reality, the South Vietnamese General involved had only one goal, protecting his varied illicit interests, and appeasing the local NVA political cadre. With all mission parameters leaked to the NVA, Silas and his team never had a chance.

Add to the fact that Silas' radio man was the son of a NAVY Admiral with a Pentagon staff job. Against all odds, Silas was the only man from his team able to reach an extraction point and radio for pickup. Unknowing of the South Vietnamese General's involvement, or unwilling to accuse a high ranking officer, SEAL team high command picked the only fall guy they had available to appease the Admiral on a head hunt. Not being anyone's fool, Silas used his talents to disappear when the Navy's arm of justice came looking. Completely disenchanted with the political machine behind the military's involvement in Vietnam, Silas came to the realization his time as a cog in that machine, was over. Making his way to Saigon, Silas used his many underground contacts to complete his vanishing act, and find passage out of the country.

Silas spent the next 18 years roaming the European land mass and making his way with the only talent he had to sell, his training as a Spec Ops shooter. With his spirit drained and no patriotic faith to guide him, Silas would take money for whatever job came his way. Bodyguard for Italian Mafia family's, Head of security for rich oil sheiks, training guerrilla armies the arts of tactics and weapons use, no job was turned down if the money was good. However, in early 1984, Silas found a cause again!

Through an extensive network of contacts, Silas found himself in the employ of the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan. Here was a cause the struck a fire in Silas' heart. The noble Mujahadeen standing up to the marauding Soviet Army for the things that mattered most. Home and family! While never turning down the money paid for his services, Silas trained and fought with a passion he hadn't felt in years. Shown below are the only know photos to exist of Silas during this period. Tragically, Silas lost his life two weeks after these two pictures were taken.

Once a patriot, Silas died a mercenary's death. Never truly recapturing the belief in country that so earlier drove him.