By: Bravo 2-2

"Dad, you had better stay out of the fight. If anything happens to you then I'm history!" "Son, no way. These guys are my brothers. I've got to do my duty."

"Sir, I can hear tanks coming from the east! The Krauts are here!"

"The Amerikaners have taken Bastogne! The rag-tag band of paratroopers won't be able to stop us. We must attack!"

"Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall, wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall: Zum Rhein, zum Rhein, zum deutschen Rhein, wer will des Stromes Huter sein!" Trans: (A call roars like thunderbolt, like clashing swords and splashing waves: To the Rhine, the Rhine, to the German Rhine, who wants to be the stream's guardian?)

Lieb' Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, lieb' Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein! Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein! Trans: (Dear fatherland, put your mind at rest, dear fatherland, put your mind at rest, solid stands, and staunch, the Watch, the Watch at the Rhine! Solid stands, and staunch, the Watch, the Watch at the Rhine!)

"Solang ein Tropfen Blut noch gluht, noch eine Faust den Degen zieht, und noch ein Arm die Buchse spannt, betritt kein Feind hier deinen Strand!" Trans: (As long as a drop of blood still glows, a fist still draws the dagger, and one arm still holds the rifle, no enemy will here enter your shore!)

Krak! Krak! Krak! "Son! Where are you? I'd better go see if he's OK. I haven't seen him since the bombardment began an hour ago



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