By: Hogie309

GL sir,

The German River Patrol Boat, that was patrolling the Mulva River, spontaneously exploded into smithereens, with only one survivor...

Viktor rowed the raft silently down the river, until he was sure that he was in Belgium. He wanted to get as far away from Germany and the war, as he could. The 'timed' device that he hid in the ammo magazines on his ship, and the fact that he made the perfect lie of going around the ship in a raft to check the water-tight integrity of the hull, ... worked beautifully :) The Master Chief believed his 'con game', and allowed him to go over the side to check out the hull. Little did the Nazi crew know, that Viktor had no intentions of checking the hull, and was furiously paddling as far away as possible, from the doomed ship.

Viktor was drafted, after the war broke out. He didn't want to fight against men, that he had no arguments with. He was quite content, with building his models, and playing around with inventions that he's dreamt up... Now, all that's lost.

Respectfully Yours sir, Hogie309 (HOH)



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