By: El Paso Trooper

Arabella's mother Moll was a friend and adventuring companion of Jardenth and Del back when they were all members of the Wolfsgate Irregulars. The Irregulars disbanded soon after Shelby and Tanner, Leigha's parents, retired from adventuring. Moll settled down as well, but she kept an eye on her friends through a scrying ball. Moll watched helplessly through the scrying ball as Tanner was killed, Shelby was kidnapped, and Jardenth was injured. Moll could not bring herself to join Leigha's group to find Shelby and avenge Tanner. And she forbade Arabella from getting involved.

Arabella couldn't stand by and do nothing. These people, even though she had never met them, were the closest thing she had to an extended family. She certainly wasn't about to let her mother for whatever reason keep her helping them! So in the middle of the night she packed up a few things, including some of her mother's jewelry, and set out to join Leigha and her group.

Arabella teleported to a spot about near where Leigha's group had set up camp for the night. Unfortunately, Arabella miscalculated and found herself nearly two leagues from where she intended to arrive.

It wasn't long before Arabella got the feeling that she was being followed.

Worried about what was behind her, Arabella didn't see what was ahead of her and stumbled into three marauders; a wizard and two fighters.

The marauders make some crude comments to Arabella, but she replied in kind. Just as Arabella was about to cast a spell a pair of arrows flew in and struck the two fighters.

Arabella was momentarily caught off guard and that hesitation allowed the marauders' spell-slinger to teleport himself and his companions out of harm's way. Arabella looked around to see where the arrows had come from and who had fired them. Out of the darkness came a figure who Arabella could see was as an Elven Ranger.

The ranger introduced himself as Tamedhal Birron and he offered to escort Arabella to her destination. Arabella accepted his offer and tried to get to know him better, but found Tamedhal to be aloof and untalkative.

Nice stuff old buddy. I really like all these characters, especially Arabella. I will definitely be looking forward to seeing more of them in the future. Special thanks for sending this cool story with us. - GL


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