By: Deports

"What took you so long? Put your spray painting hands behind your back."
"I stopped to get another cup of coffee, I had to call it in Superman."

"Well, look what I got a couple of joints. Boy you are dumb."
"It's not mine I swear"
"About time you got here."
"I had to get the dog. If you would have waited he would've caught 'em in half the time in took you two."
"Not if he keeps eating like you he won't. Now help me get him up"

Later that night.
"I hope the boss gets here soon. We're all out of pizza."
"He said he has a nice job for to do. So We'll have to wait."

"Don't worry guys I have it all planed out."
"I'm not late. I just had to make sure I wasn't followed."

"I see Special Agent Miller and Shelly, that the two of you are not going to let me eat my donuts in peace. So let's have it."
"We believe the subject of the current investigation that you have in front of you is operating in this area and has made contact with several local crew members. We want your help in finding Him before he does what he is planning to do."

"You called for me Capt?"
"Yes, Check meet Special Agents Miller and Smith from the Bureau's Special Task Force."
"Officer do you know Richard Keeler?"
"Yep, I know Rhino. I arrested him a few times."

"This is my partner Virgil Walker."
"How do you know our guy is involved? He does mostly small time stuff."
"He came up on a cell phone intercept and we found his prints last night at an old hide out. We're looking to find him and fast."
"Cool, we'll help ya. Any Idea what they're up to?....."

To be continued...

Wow! Outstanding work so far Deports! I can't wait to see the next part because you surely did leave me hanging on the edge of my seat here with this cool new story. Some real great setups and Police Officers from you again buddy. Keep up the great work! Special thanks for sending these cool photos in and sharing them with us.


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