By: Steve Wood

On August 16,1960, Capt. Joe Kittinger leaped from an open balloon gondola from an altitude of 102,800 feet. This was the third and final leap from the stratosphere in what was called Project Excelsior. The purpose of these jumps was to test the survivability of a pilot that might have to bail out at altitudes above 60,000 feet. He freefell for 4 minutes and 37 seconds before the main chute opened at 18,000 feet and from the time he left the gondola to the time he reached the ground he was in the air for 13 minutes and 45 seconds.

Reference Photos

Very very cool stuff here Steve! A very unique project without a doubt. Personally I wasn't acquainted with the Excelsior Project, so thanks for the history lesson as well as the great photo set. Special thanks for sending this excellent project in and sharing it with all of us. -- GL


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