CK2's Krauts
By: Checkmate King 2

I can't wait for the weather to straighten up. I had to take some indoor pictures.

I know they're not accurate...but they're mine. My Krauts. Kinda typical of COMBAT.

I was watching the History Channel and saw what looked to be thousands of SS Nazis goose-stepping past Hitler's review stand. They did a close-up of the soldiers and I thought to myself, I can do that kitbash !!!

Next are just my Krauts, tossing a potato masher type grenade and in a running pose.

Then we have a couple Kraut riflemen, in the standing and kneeling positions. (Ya gotta love a 21st, SS body and it's articulation)

How else do you take a picture of a rifleman in a prone shooting position ?? The rifleman is an SS body but I put BBI hands on him for a better look.

Next I created my MG-34 Team. Don't look to close, the gunner is the Japanese Soldier and the guy feeding the ammo to him is Boris.



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