By: One Shot

Looks like I showed up one month early for the EchobaseToys get together. So I decided to snap a few pics of their 1/6th figures on display. Just wanted to give the troops a look at the store.

Toy Soldiers is a company that Echobase represents. I wanted to buy a few boonie caps for my troops... but I kept my hands away from my wallet. As you can see by the pics I submitted, EchobaseToys has a nice group of soldiers on display. I really would like to buy plenty of those desert spec ops figs you see in these pics.... but I won't! I have been on a "opening" kick as of late, meaning I have been opening lots of boxed figures as trying to fit them into my display case. I'm gonna make a couple new Nam Era SEALS in a little while (later tonite), I'll let you know how they turn out.

Well troops, I hope you enjoyed the pictures from EchobaseToys, until next months show gets here...One Shot out!



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