By: Hogie309

Lt. Merry's head wound healed up enough, so now he was able to fly back to his airbase in England. The chances of Lt. Merry running into his girlfriend Danielle in the middle of Belgium, in the middle of Europe during the war, were like the geomagnetic particles of a coronal mass ejection from the sun striking the Earth !

So the both of them stood now by the side of Lt. Merry's Spitfire, hugging as though they'd never see each other again. 'Dani' told Scott to come back, and sweep her off of her feet, so they could get married in the Marwencol church. 'Scotty' reassured her that he would return, and he would lift her off of her feet and carry her to the church and set her down upon the stone step, and he would fall upon one knee. He told her that, this is the time he will ask her for her hand in marriage :) Lt. Merry climbed into his Spit and settled down into his seat. He started doing the preliminary flight checks to his craft, through tearfully blurred eyes. He would NEED to come back to this town again, now that he knows his one true love has settled here ! :)

Respectfully Yours sir, Cpt. Hogancamp, AVG.



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