By: Hogie309

. . . Colonel Morrison, Lt. Cromer, and Blane, talked with the GL and 'the now given the title of' GI Julie, and Scrunchie (Deja). The Colonel said "how'd it be nice ta' have someone ta' work on the weapons around here". " If we gotta' guard this here town, we ought'a have good working firearms". Deja turned and pointed her finger at the field next to the town. . .

. . . the Confederate Sgt. walked through the tall weeds of Virginia, with all of the firearms he'd repaired back in town in his gunsmith shoppe. He's taken all of the broken, dirty and jammed weapons from the rebel camp in the woods, and brought them to his shoppe in the nearby town, so he could repair them properly.

The Union Cavalry Sgt. sat perched on his horse trying to locate the rest of his company, when he spots the 'ol Confederate Sgt. trudging through the brush. He drops his reins and lifts his Henry rifle to his cheek and takes aim. . .

Scrunch had the wrong time frame in her mind at the time, because she was distracted by some bad news in her family. . .

The Civil War fellas were scared. . .

One moment they're in 1862, and the next thing they know, they're in some weird place in the future ! The 'ol Confederate Sarge was too weighed down by all of the gear he's carrying to run, BUT the Union Sgt. , 'ol Sgt. Bert (Oddbod), bolted away right into 'no man's land' !! This means that he's fair game for the Nazis.



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