By: BC Ries

This figure is a member of a Japanese LMG team. He is the loader/ ammo bearer. He is armed with a Type 38 carbine and he carries extra ammunition for the Type 96 LMG, both loaded magazines and loose rounds to be loaded into magazines as they are used.

21st century parts are the pants, boots(modified), bayonet (with scratchbuilt sheath), canteen, and the carbine (converted from a paratrooper takedown rifle).

I would like to thank the folks on this forum who helped me out by responding to trade requests and my wife who sewed the tube pack (and several more) for me using a 21st tube pack as a model.

I decided my loader/ammo bearer needed to team up with the LMG gunner. So I put them together and took some pictures.

Another excellent project from you old friend. I've always loved your Japanese troops. Every time I see them though, I realize my own Japanese forces are just simply not up to snuff in comparison. Thanks again for the terrific photos and the inspiration! - GL


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