By: Kaber

When we last saw the wedge it had just been returned to the shop from its test run. As you know it's in pretty bad shape. Tom pulls the engine and tries to pinpoint the source of the trouble. It blew up near the end of a test run.

He's got the engine on a stand and is checking the bottom end. It appears to have spun a couple of rod bearings. In fact one of the rod caps was on backwards! You would think Gunther would be pretty mad but he takes it real well. All the new Sponsor money for the Powerade car has eased his financial worries. He's been spending alot of time shmoosing with Sponsors and has chisled more money away from Mattel for the wedge!

All in a Busy day at the shop......

Just call me a three time loser

That's all I'll ever be

'Cause my baby's such a two timer

You know she's two timing, she's a-two timing me

Two timer, my baby is a two timer

My baby's a two timer

My baby's a two timer

My baby, she's a-two timing me, timer

Two timer

Just call me a three time loser

That's all I'll ever be

That top fuel dragster is looking mighty nice so far Kaber. I can already see this is going to be an amazing looking project when you're finished. Excellent photos here, all the way around buddy. I really like all your angle work and setups. Special thanks for sending this sneak peek in and sharing it with all of us. - GL


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