By: Boogieman

Here are some of my original Germans that I don't think I've ever photographed before. Storm here are those leather riding breeches I told you about. This figure is Boris made up as a PanzerGrenadier LT. Back then I thought this figure was pretty much finished but now he needs tons of weathering and details. Hopfully I can get him re-done and send in photos for a before and after.

This rear shot shows another view of those breeches and his rolled up smock and weathered gear.

This is Ethan Winters again, some of you may remember him from earlier shoots. I've added riding breeches to him, some scrounged up officers boots and a little more weathering. Another of my favorites that I keep going back to.

This shot shows Ethans new hair cut. It is more like those of the period. Dremled it off above the ears and high and tight in the back. Ethan has a pocket full of medals. Should I ever"finish" this figure I'll give him a bio. and retire him.



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