By: Hogie309

I Got a Piano for my bar and found out that Cy Girl Sarah Wilbanks, from New Waverly, Texas,...could play piano! Her sister, Savannah Wilbanks, tended the bar. All of the other Cy Girls, Angel, Deja Thoris, Melany Denise (De-nee-say), and Ten Bears (Chief Great Bear's daughter), got dressed-up in their finest evening gowns, and watched Sarah's performance.

HQ, also sent the officer who was to relieve me of my duties, the "real" officer, a Major. When Anna and I met the Major at the edge of town, on horse-back, his first "order" to me was to take off the cowboy crap, and put my AVG uniform back on.... so I did. Then, he ordered my brothers to do the same. He couldn't order Anna around, because she was a Russian.

I sat at the bar in my catfight club, in my town of Marwencol, and watched Savannah pour some Whiskey. I looked at the liquid and thought, "what does it taste like?". It would take all of the pain, of being beaten, cut, and shot, ...away. I stared at the bottle, and the painful memories of who I once was came back to me. The thoughts of losing everything I've achieved, ....taken away from me. Lost....



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