By: Hogie309

The SS Officer ordered his MG crew to burst into the Marlo Inn and mow everyone down, but in Marwencol, Belgium 1945, that never happened (otherwise sir, it would be in history books). I would've lost over half of the members of Marwencol, if the SS swayed away from the script of the film. Mr. Malmberg stopped filming and made it clear to the MG crew that there were to be NO mass murder in this documentary. The MG crew agreed, Demitri snapped the clap-board, Mr. Malmberg yelled "ACTION !", and the film documentary carried on....

I Hate Herr Hogancamp !! BAAH !, I wish he were here right now, I would torture and hang him in the center of his town, for all of his people to see. So they would see that he is Human and that he is no great warrior or soldier. He is a Coward who orders his troops to fight for him while he stays at his bar and drinks coffee.....



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