By: okimbored

We got lucky in there, This guy looked unstoppable, and your guy looked dead before the grenade went off, one of the other groups must have worked him over before we got here.

I get the feeling you know alot more then your letting on, how about filling me in?

Well Marty I suppose I could clear things up a bit for you, You see we've known about this place for awhile now, but we needed a fix on the location before we could hit it. The Underground provided that for us.

I belong to a top secret unit that handles places like this, normally we would have hit it without outside help, but we knew this one was going to be tough. The raid was broken up into several waves, that way if any group got through we could avoid having a bunch of guys outside our unit seeing this stuff, bad for moral to have to make a few dozen guys vanish.

We were supposed to make sure no one survived if we completed the mission, but I like you Marty, and looking around I can see we have some openings in the unit, Now lets get this mess cleaned up and notify HQ before the next group gets here, we didn't leave alot of time between waves, and the next one should be here pretty soon if we don't call them off.

Wait a second, you mean the missed drop zone was intentional? and now you're supposed to kill me because we survived? Thats crazy!, wait a second, I hear that buzz bomb again!

Here it comes, and we can't run this time!

Let him have it!



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