By: Alan of the Vagabonds

The city's only current resident is named Stephanie. She saved both myself and my trusted lieutenant Aaron from certain death from dehydration. She seems keen on joining our cause.

PLAN: Friends of General GL seem to have the whereabouts of a possible German defector, Lili Marleen whose code name is nude female swat figure, currently at location code named Monkey Depot. She would provide us with more combat experience than several of my troops put together. Moreover, I hope she can train us not only in combat but teach us to understand how Germans think, act, and fight. Nothing against my girls here, but she could stand alone with gun in hand if need be! Sadly, my Barbie ladies don't seem to be the combat type.

The challenge is in raising the funds hopefully in time before she disappears to extricate her and smuggle her through the underground from Germany all the way down perhaps through resistance cells such as Le Morge in France and Marwencol in Belgium ultimately to us here in North Africa (via New Hampshire!).

You ask how can I achieve this PRIZE? We are opening an inn and tavern pub called the Tramp in Naalra, I'm planning on seeing if I can get a band from the Vagabonds together to play. They want to call themselves Good Times, and do sort of a USO type show and sell a few drinks to raise funds. It will be a good stress reliever and hopefully provide us with some much needed capital to secure her freedom.

CHALLENGES: I understand that without popular support for the United States joining the war President Roosevelt has his hands tied in not offering us any official support but things here are dire. General Tonjes even had to drop us a crate to help us with our dark room developing materials so I could keep sending you pictures. We have a couple of crates of ammo left and general parts and equipment. Our cash is near gone. I secured a couple of civilian cars, Carey has a experimental AT transport, and the Brits have one military jeep. Perhaps a Sherman tank would be out of the question but maybe at least a white scout car to transport my troops around here? I find myself dreaming at night for something as simple as a Tommy gun with a drum mag and a vertical forward grip.

I didn't foresee the demoralization effect of placing the Vagabonds in North Africa cut off from contact. The aforementioned shortage of supplies, but also no mail from home, and the desert itself have all proved detrimental. I believe you chose me for this mission due to my creative problem solving skills, which I plan to put to use, however all the Vagabonds including myself have a severe lack of combat skill. Until FDR hands are untied and war bonds can come our way we will do with what we have the best we can.

I have hopes in our plan. I will keep you abreast, Mid December I should be able to tell you if we can secure Lili Marleen! Until then my Vagabonds have to work hard on preparing the Pub and band. I never thought I'd be fighting Germans by using a guitar..

Lieutenant Colonel Alan Jones, Commander of the Vagabonds.

Another outstanding episode my friend! I love the story line as always, I found myself grinning throughout this one. Thoroughly enjoyable, I can't wait to see more! Special thanks for sending this cool new episode in and sharing it with us. - GL


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