By: Alan of the Vagabonds

The Vagabonds Mp shows Cindy how to get M-1 thumb.

Aaron checks out one of the New 45s.

Steph tries to figure out how to reload her Tommy gun with another drum.

Harriet spends a little quality time with the twins, boy she looks serious.

SHOW NOTES: You got to admit that Hogie's girl he gave me behind those twin victor machine guns looks pretty serious! Moreover poor confused Stephanie has her Tommy gun drum backwards if you look close!

**A QUESTION** what is the make and model of the rifle that my fuzzy head and beard professor is carrying on his back as he sits on his ATV? Please post an answer in the forum communication room. I got it used as I do most of my toys and don't know what it is.

Till next time keep the Sand out of that Tommy Gun! ---Alan of the Vagabonds

Great job on the snow pics my friend! That looked like a fun shoot there at the dog sled races. I imaging you were getting a few looks too :) Another terrific Vagabonds episode! Special thanks for sending it in and sharing it with us. - GL


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