By: Boogieman

The squad moves in as the Iraqi's throw up their arms...

...all but one.

Captain Egan turns his back on the Iraqi soldier and suddenly feels like a freight train has hit him.

As the captain lies on the ground the Delta operators move in and with a spray of 9mm rounds sends the gunman to his death.

"Pappy" Garrett checks on his downed trooper,"never had a chance, I hope you did'nt suffer son".

He then sees Egan has been hit and runs to see how bad it is. As he draws near LT. Graves gives him the scoop.

"Well Pappy, looks like he is out cold. Round hit 'em right in the magazine pouch on his left side. Moren' likly broke his small ribs. How's Kaw.."
"He's dead, thats our first KIA ,LT, there ain't a single drop of oil worth one of my ...our men. Should've nuked the whole damn country."
"Pappy you don't mean that, we'd be no better than Saddam and you know it!"



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