By: Mikey

Only a select few people know of the truth behind the legend of Lobster Johnson. He was a real man, and faced gangsters as well as paranormal threats in New York City. Johnson had a reputation for inflicting harsh justice, such as killing mobsters and burning his trademark lobster claw symbol into their foreheads.

His first appearance was in the story Lobster Johnson: The Killer in My Skull from Hellboy: Box Full of Evil #1. In this story, he investigates a series of bizarre deaths which appear to have been committed using telekinesis. His other missions included attempting to capture a German spy trying to interfere with the Manhattan Project (in BPRD: Night Train). Late in the Thirties, Lobster Johnson and his sidekick shifted to deal more with the Nazi threat to the United States. Johnson began to work as an agent for the US government.

Lobster Johnson's final mission was an unsuccessful attempt to prevent the Nazis from launching a space capsule at Hunte Castle, Austria on 20 March 1939 (in Hellboy: The Conqueror Worm). Although he managed to force the roof of Hunte Castle to close before the launch, the capsule managed to burst through. The subsequent explosion and fire within the castle killed everyone except Nazi scientist Herman von Klempt.

After death:
While it is generally assumed that Lobster Johnson died on his final mission, the B.P.R.D. has disavowed any knowledge of him, leaving the outcome of the situation in some ambiguity. It is not clear what exactly happened to him during or after the destruction of Hunte Castle, and the majority of his powers and history remain currently shrouded in mystery.

Johnson was responsible for destroying the Conqueror Worm; this action saved the life of B.P.R.D. agent Roger the Homunculus. After the work was done, all that was left of Johnson was a charred skeleton - this could be seen as an indication of his having sacrificed himself in this instance, or more likely that he was already dead and had simply reverting back to the form of his corporeal remains.

Whatever the reason, Johnson would appear to Roger again as a spirit guide in BPRD: Night Train.



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