By: Steve Wood

Now we have the first of 3 modified TUS R/C HMMWVs.

First is the Tow Missle Carrier. I replaced the TOW that came with the 21C Humvee with a Hasbro Tow Missle launcher. I also cut open the hatch and hinged it so that it would open more like the original TUS Humvees. I cut out the windows and put clear plexiglass in place of them. I also put a deck inside so that the TOW gunner could stand on something. The rear was opened up to allow easier positioning of the gunner and the back end looks like there is cargo inside. I used the same method as before with the plastic sheet. This one actually worked really well until I went through a deep puddle.

Next is the 21C R/C HMMWV with the TOW missle replaced by a .50 Cal. This particular model of the 21C had all the electronics exposed inside the cabin. The battery is held in the back, under the slantback hatch. I used a TUS figure that had a broken leg, broke the other off, and have him standing in a bowl that is glued to the under side of the turret. The on/off switch was also repostioned to the bowl.



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