By: Scarecrow

Here are a few of my modern figures. They consist of parts from a lot of different companies, with the majority of stuff from good ol' 21st Century. The two Delta Force guys and the PMC feature chest rigs that I made from various pouches, foam backing, and black webbing material. I've had a hard time trying to get manufactured chest rigs, so I decided to try to make my own. They were really simple to make, and they turned out a lot better than I anticipated.

My latest Black Hawk Down D-boy.
Figure and radio - Power Team; DCUs and Pro-Tec helmet - DML; Gloved hands and chest rig pouches - BBI; Web belt, M-16 ammo pouches, M-4 (with custom flashlight and InToyz sling) - SOTW; everything else - 21stC

Somali loosely based on Mo'alim from the BHD film

Somali with 21stC RPG (Thanks Chris Sacash!)

Desert Storm Special Forces Sniper

Private Military Contractor in Iraq

'80s-era Delta Force Operator. Inspired by, but not completely accurate to the Chuck Norris/Lee Marvin film.

Some really sharp looking figures from you here my friend. Nice use of those Power Team guys. It's definitely hard to pick my favorite out of all these cool looking troops! Super job on all of them. Special thanks for sending these in and sharing them with us. - GL


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