By: Warriors 1st BN

Here's what happened to a guitar that had the old strings and I wasn't careful enough with.

Here's a figure of Stevie Ray Vaughan I'm working on.

Here's the set I used to shoot my story, but most of the shots of the inside of the spaceship were shot in our garage.

Here you can see what the insides of the spaceship a really used for, shelves!

Here I'm working on a bigger set/inside of my Flash Force base.

And now for the Kübel, Its going slowly since I don't have the styrene to finish it yet, but I'm starting to weather it.

It's always great to see all of your mini guitars my friend. You sure do some fantastic work on them. It looks like you have a lot of great projects in the works here. Special thanks for letting us take a sneak peek at all of them. Oh yeah, very cool SRV :) - GL


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