By: Okimbored

No thanks; I'll take a warm lunch over this any day.
The men make their way back to their lines just as Wim is returning from HQ

Reinhart, Werner, I'm glad to see you made it back in one piece, give me your report.

We saw one Russian but he was frozen to death, he had nothing of importance in his belongings sir.

Well, it proves they are as cold as we are, and probing our position, if nothing else. Now get some food, I'll have an announcement for the men after lunch also.

As the men all eat their lunch Wim gathers amongst them

Men, we have been tested here, but we have done our best under all conditions, and I am proud to have lead you during these difficult times. Today I have been to the headquarters and have received new orders, I will be leaving for Germany this very day, and after a brief leave I will be accepting a new command. We have lost many friends and comrades here, truly there are so few of us left that I hate to be parted from any of you. I wanted you to know that since I have become so attached to all of you, I have put in a request, and it has been approved. You are all therefore ordered to pack your belongings and prepare to be relieved. We shall be transported by rail back to the fatherland for furlough and then you are all coming with me to our new post in France!


Very cool stuff so far my friend. I've definitely been waiting a while to see this story from you ;-) But you sure didn't disappoint. A great start! I can't wait to see more. Special thanks for sending this cool new photo story in and sharing it with us. - GL


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