By: Okimbored

Days pass as the men become familiar with their new surroundings in the village, soon life falls into a routine of daytime patrols and comfort.

Dieter and Emil are walking down the street as Miss Nicole Laroche passes by.

Hello miss Laroche, going to the market?

yes Dieter, good day to you.

Perhaps you would care to join me for dinner at the café some time?

I'm sorry, I'm sure you are a fine man, but I don't think it would be appropriate for me to socialize with you.
Very well miss, perhaps someday you will think otherwise
Nicole passes by, Dieter and Emil continue talking.

Ha ha ha, she sure gave you the cold shoulder.

Never mind her, someday when this war is over she will beg me to look at her.

Oh come on Dieter, have you forgotten Russia already? The war is already lost, and someday it will be us begging her for scraps to eat.

Emil! You could be shot for saying that, or I for not reporting you!

What does it matter? A German bullet or someone elses, it's still the same



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