By: 11B1SG

From the " I know a good idea when I steal one" file, I wanted to do a German field kitchen when our good friend Sgt Howard said that he was starting one also. Taking the easy route on this project, I started out with a Johnny West wagon as the base. Going off of photos, I cut up the wagon and got some sheet styrene from the hobby shop. I pretty much had to fight the balance battle all the way, as the Johnny West wagon wheels are tall and skinny, unlike the shorter wheels that the real units used. The soup pot has a hot glue and wood chunk mixture to look the meal of the day. The cook has a couple rabbits to kill for some needed meat and his helper has been chopping wood or the This was a fun project, but I'm sure Sgt Howard's version will be better than mine.

A great looking project old friend. Glad Sgt Howard inspired you because it sure is a cool little project. I think you struck a nice balance with it. I'm sure this will serve to inspire others for sure. Special thanks for sending this one in and sharing it with us. - GL


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