By: Cody

General McAuliffe: "What! They want us to surrender! Nuts! How do I respond to that!"
Pvt. Phillips: "How 'bout what ya jus said."
Gen. McAuliffe: "What did I just say?"
Pvt. Phillips: "Nuts!"

Gen. McAuliffe: "Lt. Peaks, will you so kindly bring Cmdr. Kruger this reply?"
Lt. Peaks: "Sure, it'll be fun.""

Lt. Peaks gets in the jeep and prepares for his journey.

Lt. Peaks: "Here is the General's reply."

Cmdr. Kruger: "Vhat does this mean!?"
Lt. Peaks: "It pretty much means HECK NO!

Excellent work here Cody! It was nice to see this famous scene done in 1/6th scale. You had some really nice setups in this one I have to say. Great work all around trooper. Special thanks for sending all these cool pics in and sharing them with us. - GL


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