Nma photo story

By: B.C. Ries

Anh Thi Long 'Now"
Vo Ngoc Dan 'I thought her mouth would never stop, lets go on three"

Mang Lam Trinh "one -Two- three"

Vo Ngoc Dan 'Paper covers rock I win" get the base plate"

Tran Duc Mang "Yesterday you said rock breaks through paper, not fair" 'go again' " one two three"

Mang Lam Trinh " rock break scissors"

Mang Lam Trinh "Get your plate while you can still see Vo Dan"

Vo Ngoc Dan "I will get it. I work best when it is dark"


Very very nice work so far old buddy. I can't wait to see where you go with this one in the next installment. Great storyline and set ups for sure. Special thanks for sending this one in and sharing it with us. - GL


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