By: One Shot

The headsculpt fits the uni pretty good huh? (I could never understand all the bbi & DML diehards who always made fun of Hasbro Headsculpts) especially when I was hanging out with FT62 and he was turning out these type of kitbashes.

STRAP THIS ON FOR SIZE! What VC in there right mind would wanna come across this soldier?

A Hasbro AT Kitbash. (a soft spot for Greenleader), FT62 has a few AT styled kitbashes that were not on his shelf, but I will get him to put them together and share some pics with GL's troops.

A closer look at the AT figure.

Well troops that does it for now, I really just wanted to show off my friends collection of 1/6th kitbashes he has on display. Also to give you some ideas on what to do with all the loose spare parts that you have tucked away.

I have always had a great deal of admiration for what he does with the Hasbro figures. (since Hasbro always seems to be the joke of the 1/6th world) I always thought to myself, why doesn't Hasbro get a clue and put out better figures, it's not like they don't have the tools. I hope you troops have enjoyed my buddy's figures as much as I had fun showing them off . LMK what you think and maybe we can get Flyingtiger62 to break those bad boys out and get some "One Shot Action Shot's". until next time...One Shot out!

You sure are right One Shot! Flyingtiger62 has some great looking Joes here. Of course, my fav. was that AT guy. Next time you go over there if you want to do me another favor :) you can grab some shots of that cool Science Patrol figure in the orange suit next to the AT figure. I've always been a big Ultraman fan too. Special thanks for sending all these cool photos in and sharing them with us. Definitely inspiring! - GL


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