A Day At SaltyDog Cycle
Part 2

By: Gun Chief

(Dude)...THAT!....THAT's my old Injun! Nice..but I gotta tell ya I'm a little disappointed. I mean...she's nice and all....but she isn't whjat I expected from SaltyDog Cycle....
(Beech) we're just funnin witcha....Bubba...call the Chief!

(Bubba)..Chief...he fell for it! We couldn't work it too much....these pics take forever to get to GL....

(Chief)...I'm on the way....this beast rides sweet...but it takes a bit to get used to it....I'll bet he was madder'n a fat chick at an all-you-can-eat salad bar...!

(Dude)...CHIEF!! THAT IS OUTRAGEOUS! I really dig the Rat Fink....I was always a big fan of Big Daddy Roth!( Sorry, kids...not David Lee Roth...)

(Chief)...and she's been tweaked, bobbed, robbed, stoked, and smoked. She's sporting the original engine, but bored out Rat style...

(Chief) ...she sports a set of signature Salty apehangers, a custom exhaust, and the piece-de-resistance----an 8-ball shifter....Big Daddy-style!

(Chief) Thanks everyone for the hard work. Now it's time fer a brew...and some vacation time!



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