By: Sgt. Howard

'Klause Bissinger and Fritz Altmann, both of the 555th FeldGerdamerie (attatched to the 21st Panzer) were sent to investigate some new goings on at the Howard Slapdash, Slipshod & Kloogeworks (by me). Their commentary has been translated (by me) as they ride a newly refurbished (by me) bike with sidecar. 'Klause is a StabsGefrieter (Staff Corporal) and Fritz is a Schütze (Private). 'Klause is an AK vet, having spent two years in the hot sand. He made it back to France with the remnants of the 21st in time to acquire Fritz as a partner. 'Klause is 'by-the-book' and will NEVER advance another stripe as he is sooooo hidebound. Fritz is a young 'Grünschnabel' with too much imagination to be a Cop- yet here he is, irritating 'Klause as much as he dare. 'Klause constantly weighs how much trouble he would get into if he just plain strangled the boy....

That little building is looking pretty good my friend. And a nice job on the refurbished motorcycle and sidecar. You never fail to crack me up with your wordsmithing old buddy. Special thanks for sending this cool set in and sharing it with us. I can't wait to see more of these guys in the future. - GL


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