By: El Paso Trooper

Here are some pics of my project a trio of fantasy villains. They're works in progress but are all on 21st bodies. Storm helped me out with the gear and even sent me a pair of headsculpts (Emric and Victor) done by Boogie, which were exactly what I was looking for. Emric, Victor, and Gregor are members of a band of marauders who have been on the terrorizing the lands recently. Emric and Victor are fighters and Gregor is journeyman magic-user. And also I have a bonus pic of the heroes I've assembled to bring these evil men to justice.

Trio of Baddies




Heroes Assembled, from left to right, back row: Stanton Albriecht, Jardenth, & Del (the Demented). Middle row, left to right: Tamedhal Birron (Elven ranger) & Arabella the Sorceress. Front row: Leigha Wolfsgate.

They're looking really cool so far old buddy. I hope to see more of these guys as the project moves on. I really thought your heroes were really sharp too, especially the Elven Ranger. Special thanks for sending these cool projects in and sharing them with us. -- GL


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