By: Justin Case

Bullets were flying hard and fast. Dylan's heart felt like it would explode. Sweat froze to his face, and he was sweating a lot. The fear was almost unbearable. James knew he had to get the kid out of the heat before he completely paralyzed by the rush. When 2 or 3 of the shooters reloaded James took a quick glance around him. He saw a large stump behind him. The rattle of an AK47 hailed out like a brutal war cry again. His head was back on the ground. Another reload provided an opening for James to talk, "DYLAN!! SHUT UP AND LISTEN THE BEST YOU CAN," Dylan got the hint and ears were open, "DON'T LOOK NOW BUT BEHIND YOU IS A STUMP, IN 10 SECONDS I'M GOING TO PROVIDE COVER AND YOU RUN LIKE HELL BEHIND THE STUMP, READY?" Wide eyed and pumped to get out of there, Dylan nodded. James knew it was a weak plan, and that he could probably barely cover himself let alone the kid. But in the face of doom he had to cling to miracles and hope, like someone once said "There are no hopeless situations in life; there are only men who have grown hopeless about them". James was a soldier, he was never hopeless.

All is never lost, factors of an equation are always overlooked. Something you forgot, that one little clue that could save your life. Jeremy was the knight in shining armor. Our sniper had been carefully waiting for his opening. His sights were lining up, he was eyeing who the deadliest on the line of shooters was. He found him.

The barrel flashed, but the crack of the bullet exploding out of the barrel was subliminal compared to the sharp ping and rattle of their sub-grade weaponry.

A throaty yell choked out as the swift point of metal arched into his head. Below, James and Dylan saw the man go down. It was time to move.

No time could be wasted. Dylan yanked the phone from the radio on his back, and called for their escape route. "Tango 3 to Delta 9...Tango 3 to Delta 9, copy?" The telltale rhythmic pat of helicoptersblades crackled through his earpiece "Delta 9 to Tango 3, we copy"

"Thank you, God" Dylan whispered to himself, "Delta 9, mission is compromise, we are under heavy fire, I count 4 armed and dangerous hostiles 20 metres west of my current location, possible significant enemy reinforcement approaching, we need evac NOW!"

"10-4 Tango, evac will be there in 4 minutes, over and out"

"Four minutes until evac, I have only been here for two and it seems like forever!" Dylan thought. "James, We have four minutes until evac! Stay frosty!"

"Ha ha" a quick and abrupt laugh burst from James' lips, "Welcome to the four minute hour, the longest minutes of your life. Just lay low kid, you'll be fine." Needless to say Dylan wasn't very comforted.



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