MI6 Operator
By: Boogermiester

I was inspired by the wonderful villains that were in your contest. 101 AB is my nephew and I really am proud of his work as well as the others. I could not, however, bring myself to build a villain with 9/11 so close by, so I compromised. I made a MI6 operator who is deep under cover in the Bekkah Valley. He's guarding all of Saddam's WMDs that were moved there before the war. His father was a Gurkha {this explains why he likes knives so much} and his mother was English. He has a face that will fit in everywhere. After his stint in the 7th armored he was recruited to MI6 because of his knowledge of Islam and his ability to speak 5 different Arabic dialects with out any accent. He then gained street credibility by offing 2 French NATO workers in Uzbekistan. It didn't bother him because they were bribing the Uzbecki tribal leaders with aid, if they could have their women as "house girls". Now, not even his operators know exactly where he is. They just know the information keeps coming

His equipment is all foreign. His backpack is Danish, with their own greener version of "fleck" camo. The shoulder bag is Austrian in design and the ammo pouch is a E. German AK pouch. I made them myself using pics on the net and some really cool camo sites that I took the camo patterns from. I hope that you like them!

A great looking figure here Boogermiester! A really nice job from you for sure. I really loved every single piece of this custom figure. And you've written a terrific bio for him as well. Special thanks for sending this cool project in and sharing it with us. - GL


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