By: 11B1SG

During World War 2, a select group of young women pilots became pioneers, heroes, and role models. They were the women of the Women Air force Service Pilots, or WASP. They were the first women in history trained to fly American, military aircraft.

WASP missions included delivery of cargo, target towing, dropping of flares for night Infantry training, weather flights, airborne gunnery for bomber crews and the role of test pilot.

This scene shows 2 WASP at Biggs Army Airfield in El Paso, Texas during the War. The fighter pilot on the right will spend the morning flying her P-47 to teach Army troops the fine art of anti-aircraft gunnery. With her is a B-26 pilot who will conduct high altitude target towing.

It is hard to imagine the scale of service these women provided during the war years to free their male counterparts to fight on the war fronts. 38 WASP trainees were killed in the U.S. during the war. In 1977 Congress passed a bill that recognized these women as veterans and entitled them to all due benefits.

More great projects from you for sure my friend. I sure wish I owned those cool customized 101st Paras. A great idea, customizing your other Ultimate Soldier heads to match 21st 101st Mohawk headsculpt. They all look way cool. The WASP was a great photo set too. I'm not too familiar with them, so this was a great little history lesson. Special thanks for sending both of these cool projects in and sharing them with us. - GL


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