By: Deports

SWAT Entry
21C SWAT team leader head on a Super solider body, Blue SWAT BDU's with patch, SWAT black knee and elbow pads, black helmet, Modern boots, SWAT tactical vest with pouches, pouches from the Police Helo pilot vest, modern canteen painted black, heavy goggles, SWAT black belt, dropdown holster and grenade pouch, SWAT commander entry shield, repainted .45 and MP-5.

SWAT Tactical Medic

SWAT Team Leader carded set, SWAT radio, Heavy goggles, Pouches from police helo pilot, claymore pouch dyed black, 9mm/ short barreled M-4, police stickers.

Bank Robbers

Bank Robber Terrorist

Nam. 2 pocket OD green shirt, gray PT shirt, Woodland BDUs, black gloves, clock .38 sub nose modern boots, AK-47 short 2x mags tapped together, custom ordered hood, custom stick of dynamite.

Bank Robber

Villain Boxed set., Mac-11, NAM m-16 bandolier, jungle ops knife, shotgun shell strip glued on a green belt.

As usual, some very cool looking troopers there Deports. All you America's Finest were really cool, but I really thought your bank robbers were some real nice kitbashes. Keep up the great work buddy. Special thanks for sending these in and sharing them with us. -- GL


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