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Ok, now that you've moved all the soldiers and vehicles that you've decided to move in your turn, it's time to attack. Before you get started on this though, there are three rules you must always follow when attacking.

  • The first rule of engagement is you must be in range of your enemy. If you're not in range, you cannot attack. (Range is determined by weapon type).

  • Second, you must have a clear line of sight. The best way to check this is just to get down on your stomach and look over your soldier's shoulders to see if he can actually see what he's shooting at. So for example, if your enemy is behind a vehicle or building and completely out of sight, you can't shoot at him. One exception to this rule is that grenade & light artillery attacks can occur without achieving the line of sight.

  • The last thing is that he must be facing his target. Now this doesn't mean directly facing him, this means the enemy must be within your soldier's arc of fire which is usually 180 degrees. So basically he can shoot at anything that is in front of his position to the left, to the right, or straight ahead. You may not shoot at things behind you unless you have turned your soldier around in the movement segment of the turn sequence.
So if you've got all three of these conditions, it's now time to roll your dice! One thing to remember though, you must choose all your targets before any dice rolls are made.

So first here's the attack formula:

Dice roll plus any attack bonuses due to weapons or troop type minus the toughness score of the enemy you're shooting at plus any terrain modifier or position modifier.

  • Attacking with ranged weapons (guns):

    For example you have a soldier that is attacking with a machine gun and you will notice on your gear stats page that a machine gun has a ranged weapons bonus of a +3. So if you roll your two 6-sided dice to attack, and rolled a 7 you would now add the 3 to your roll making it 10. Now as you're firing across the field at your enemy, he happens to be kneeling. You would then take the toughness of that enemy soldier (by asking the other player what that is) also due to the fact that he is kneeling he also gets a +1 to his toughness score which would give him a grand total of 4. (3 for his toughness and 1 for the fact that he is kneeling...got it?) Now you would take this score of 4 and subtract it from the modified dice roll of 10, leaving you with a 6. So then 6 would be the actual dice roll score. Then you would look on your attack chart and notice that a dice roll result of 6 would mean your soldier has just been wounded for one hit. You will now subtract this from your soldier's toughness score, which is gone until your Medic re-heals him.

    So on your next attack, if he has not been healed, he will only have a toughness of 2 and be much easier to hit.

  • Now let's cover hand to hand combat.

    This basically refers to any attacks that are within a one foot range. This works exactly like regular attacking but you need to use your hand to hand modifiers instead of your ranged weapons modifiers.

    For example, you've snuck up on one of your enemies who is kneeling with his back to you, and you've moved within one foot of him. You will look on your soldier sheet under hand to hand bonuses and add that to your dice roll (instead of the ranged weapon bonus). Remember that this is modified by types of weapons you are using in hand to hand. Everything else works just the same way as I've previously described in the ranged weapon above.

  • Now let's attack with some grenades, bazookas, or mortars:

    This works the same way as regular attacking again except you use your thrown weapon stat instead of your ranged weapon stat. Any attack roll which results in a score of higher than 7 indicates that the shell or grenade has landed on target. Any score lower than that means that it has missed its target. The only thing that makes grenade and bazooka attacks different than regular attacks other than what I've just stated, is that your troops being attacked by the grenade or shell get a chance to jump out of the way ("Incoming!!!").

    So for example, if you have just rolled your dice and you have rolled higher than a 7 which means the grenade hit its target, all you do is simply take a 6 sided dice and roll it one more time for each troop that will be caught in the blast of that grenade or shell. All troops rolling an odd number didn't get out of the way. One more little thing about grenades, since grenades have a blast range of 3 feet (1 1/2 feet on either side of the target) anybody standing within this range must roll to see if he's hit or not. All soldiers hit will take one wound of damage to their toughness score. Before you throw your grenade, you must remember to mark the target where the grenade will land. If your target happens to be a soldier in your line of sight he will instantly be killed and everyone within the three foot radius of him will have to roll as usual. However, if the soldier is hiding comletely covered and you still choose your target to be in that direction, the "instant kill rule" would not apply. And of course, after you've thrown that grenade, you must scratch it off of your soldier sheet because you no longer have it to use. The battle would be pretty short if you had an endless supply of grenades.

  • Vehicle Attacks

    Vehicles can only attack if they have mounted weaponry on them. Then you simply just use your standard attack formula to determine this. Of course, vehicles cannot change position (kneel, stand or crawl), and they may not hit the dirt. Most weapons cannot harm most vehicles so you must have a weapon that can shoot at the vehicle to attack it. Of course, if your gunner is standing up without any kind of protection, then you just simply attack the soldier and not the vehicle. Any destroyed vehicles are left right there on the playing field, and any troops they happen to be carrying are killed.

  • Attacking Vehicles

    There are only two types of weapons that can attack a vehicle and do damage; a mortar and a bazooka. Each of these weapons has their own abilities to attack vehicles. See gear stats for rules. Attacking a vehicle works basically the same way as attacking a soldier by adding your attack modifier and subtracting the opponent's toughness but you must use the thrown weapons statistic instead of the ranged weapons statistic. The only thing that changes is that instead of going to the attack chart to find out damage to the vehicle after you've determined if you've succesfully hit it, you roll two 6 sided dice and add up the amount of damage and subtract that from the vehicle's toughness.

    For example, if you've just hit a tank successfully and you rolled a 12 on two six-sided dice, then you've killed it because the tank's toughness is only 12. If you only rolled a 7, the tank would still have 5 ponts of toughness left and still would be able to shoot back at you in its next turn.

  • Hitting the Dirt

    The last rule for attacking that you need to keep in mind is the one I like to call "hitting the dirt". This goes back to your original attack. For example, if your opponent announces that he is attacking your soldier, you have one chance to get him out of it (other than your enemy's bad shot). Before your soldier is attacked, you can announce that you are hitting the dirt. To do this, you just simply roll a dice and if a 1 or 2 is rolled, you've successfully hit the dirt. You must now put your Ultimate Soldier figure in a position lying face down on the ground. Your soldier does still have a chance of getting hit, but now you can use the prone position attack modifier instead of the position you were using if your soldier was standing.

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