Ultimate Soldier Logo


The first thing you need to do is create your soldiers for the battle using your soldier character sheet. You might want to print one of these out before we get started so you can fill it in as you go. You might also want to print out a rules reference sheet (it's 2 pages long by the way) as well just so you can look at it as we go along.

At this stage which is before play, each player must purchase each of his soldiers and outfit them with equipment. All this should be printed on your Soldier Sheet for each trooper. Each army costs points. At the beginning of the game both players must decide the number of points each person has to spend on his army, which will end up determining troops types, and what the guy is equipped with. This is generally used for the purpose of maintaining balance between the strengths of the two player's armies. Of course, more troops and more equipment cost more points, so you might want to just add up what one player would like to use and then the other player gets to spend the same amount on his troops. No more though.

Step 1: Pick your troop type.
  • Troop Type
    This refers to the level of training your soldiers have and there are five types of troops in this game: Officers, special forces, soldiers, medics & vehicles.

    • Officers - 30 points:
      Of course, your officers are your leaders. An officer in your unit allows the action of any given soldier on any given turn. If you don't have an officer, you may only move each troop after he rolls an even number on a six-sided dice. Soldiers which roll odd numbers have to wait in confusion until the next turn while they decide what they want to do. The only thing that these soldiers can do is hit the dirt. Officers cost 30 points.

    • Special Forces - 20 points:
      Special forces represent any trooper that is more highly trained than your standard infantry soldier. Since these guys are trained to fight in the worst of conditions, their general toughness is a 4, one higher than your typical soldier. General toughness refers to how many wounds your soldier can sustain before he is dead. Also, they get a +1 to their weapons and hand to hand attacks. Special Forces cost 20 points.

    • Medics - 15 points:
      Well, where would any army be without their medics on the field with their ability to help wounded soldiers? Any medic may heal up to three soldiers one wound each. The one drawback though, the soldiers must be within 3 feet of the medic. Also, once a medic begins healing a soldier during a turn, he must have moved to them in the previous turn. So he cannot move in the turn that he is healing. And even though the medic is in a vulnerable spot while healing, it is frowned upon to shoot medics, even though there is no rule protecting him from death. Medics may not use weapons, although they can carry them. If a medic decides to use his weapon, all statistics revert to normal soldier status, which means they cannot heal anymore. Bascially, you don't want to have a shooting medic unless you have no choice because you're losing and you need one more extra soldier. Medics cost 15 points.

    • Soldiers - 10 points:
      These are your basic grunts in the field who have received standard training. They have no special abilities. Soldiers cost 10 points.

    • Vehicles - points depend upon vehicle:
      Vehicles cost points too, refer to gear stats for cost of the various vehicles allowed.

  • Equipping your soldiers:
    All equipment must also be purchased for your soldiers. And all equipment must be carried by your 1/6th scale soldier. So if you have an Ultimate Soldier figure that is carrying a rifle, two ammo pouches, and a grenade launcher or grenade pouches slung over his shoulder, all of this stuff must be purchased. A soldier in battle can only use the equipment he has bought. Different weaponry and equipment adds to your soldier's basic combat abilities, so you need to calculate all this as you're drawing up your soldier sheets. Refer to gear stats for cost of weapons and each gear piece for each individual soldier.

    For example, let's draw up a standard modern soldier. First off, write in your soldier's name on your soldier character sheet. This could be a proper name, or something like M60 Gunner. Then determine his troop type. Since we're going to be doing a standard soldier, then 10 points would be his initial cost. Now let's equip him.

    So for this soldier, he's going to be wearing body armor, two M16 pouches (30 rounds), M16, and a combat knife. If you look in the gear stats section, you will see that body armor costs 20 points. Your body armor allows you to take 2 points off of the attacker's dice roll due to it's protection. So first in the equipment section, you would write body armor. Next right above it, in the soldier bonuses, you would put -2 to enemy attack dice rolls. So now we add up the cost of the soldier and the body armor, which is now 30.

    Next, let's add his weapons. The M16 costs 10 points since it is considered a rifle, and you would list your M16 in the equipment section of your soldier sheet. The ammo pouches each cost 5 points and would also be listed in the equipment section of your sheet. Next, you would go down to the ammo. section of your soldier sheet and add up the amount of rounds within those two pouches that your soldier has to use. So for this, we'll say two 30 round clips per pouch. So you now have 120 shots to use. And your knife would also cost 5 points and be listed in the equipment section of your sheet. Knives add a +1 to your hand to hand combat skill, so you would write a +1 next to the hand to hand header in the lower box.

    Now we add all of these points up. The soldier = 10 points, the body armor = 20 points, the M16 = 10 points, two ammo. pouches = 10 points, one knife = 5 points, and you get a grand total of 55 points. This soldier would cost 55 points, and you write that in the cost section of your sheet. Since this guy is a soldier, he starts off with a basic toughness score of 3. You can use the wounds box of your soldier sheet to add and subtract and tabulate this score as needed. So there you have it, one soldier done. Click here to see an example of how this should look. If you follow these rules for each of your troops, it all works the same way.

    Before you get started you need to decide your battle scenario. For example, the Germans are defending a bridge against an American attack in WWII. One player would be the defending Germans, and the other player would be the attacking Americans. And of course, whoever achieves their objective wins the game. But I would suggest keeping it simple until you learn the game. Me & my buddies just always did "last man standing wins". Of course your scenario can be as complex as you want it to be though. Just use your imagination.

    Then you need to set up your terrain in the backyard to conform to your battle scenario, or you can just chuck it in randomly if you like. Terrain is helpful because it gives your soldiers something to hide behind for protection from flying bullets. And also, you cannot shoot at someone you cannot see. So say for instance, your soldier is standing behind a tree, and he is so well covered that no one can see him. That means the enemy cannot shoot at him. Terrain adds to the toughness of your soldier and on your rules sheet, you will find a table that gives you these point values when your soldier is under cover.

    The last thing you need to do is set up your measuring string. The first thing you do is get yourself a piece of string like I told you earlier, 20 feet long. Starting at one end wrap a tape tag every foot until you get to the other end. Put a small number corresponding to which is the lowest number and which is the highest number side. So if you see what I mean, you should now have a piece of string that has 20 pieces of tape wrapped every foot with a number that counts all the way to 20. At the 20 foot side you might want to attach something like a small piece of wood or plastic, so you can roll your string up and unroll it as you need more length. If you decide to use a measuring tape though, don't even bother with this last piece.

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